Despite recent rains and the subsequent rise in dam levels in the Western Cape, the drought is far from over, Western Cape Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning Minister Anton Bredell warned on Monday.
The average level for dams across the Western Cape for the week starting June 11 was 25.9%, compared with the 19.4% recorded in 2017 and 23.8% last week.
The Voëlvlei dam is 25.5% full this week, while the Theewaterskloof dam is at 20.8% and the Bergriver dam is at 53%. “It is also good to see Clanwilliam dam at 20.4%. A few weeks ago, the dam was below 6%,” he added.However, Bredell warned that the drought was “still far from over”.
“A lot more rain is needed before the end of the winter season. The latest predictions indicate we are in for some cold and wet weather over the next ten days,” he noted, referring to the predictions that indicate high ocean swells and much rain across the province from Thursday.