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Updating the business model and monetise the user

12 December 2022

By Eng. Osama Bekhit, Founder and Managing Director of 365 Ecology

In our new world, the value of the business of buildings and real estate is determined by a different yardstick. the area and location in addition to systems integration inside the buildings that enable different user experiences inside the building.

In the last decades the value of buildings was in their location, location, location, the reality today’s value is the whole user experience the accessibility, the productivity, and the building efficiency.

Owners need to consider how the building is being used, and how they can generate more revenue. new generations’ ambition creates the conditions for facility owners to ask themselves what the real value of their facility is. And may shift the value focus from offering shelters to offering tools to generate new revenue streams and get possible operation and running savings. In the era of the new normal, human functionality doesn’t strictly depend on the buildings that are built traditionally. The functionality has, therefore, evolved to enable users to perform better than they would do anywhere else.

Updating the business model and monetise the user

As a developer, investor or facility owner should offer an alternative model for use by targeting consumer behaviour. generate revenue based on the outcome of improved experience and productivity. Optimising the internal environment, introducing services, level of connectivity and functionality tools are pillars to productize the users rather than the infrastructure.

Value empathises with rendering services to support what people do and how they do it, instead of just where they do it. Smart systems connect users and occupants to services, so the work becomes more advanced and connected to benefit the business. User outcome is monetized through services that leverage the integrated systems of the building as an enabler. This fundamentally changes the business model of facility owners who are now in the position to become service providers using building integrated systems and infrastructure.

Better buildings mean using smart systems

Better buildings create conditions to aggregate and contain all building data. There are used for targeted analytics to inform decision-makers about human behaviour. These insights can be monetised in various ways, offering additional revenue to building owners in the present and future.

This will incentivize the building owner to take direct control of provisioning the properly integrated systems, that create the backbone that not only renders functionality but also helps occupants to improve their performance and productivity – by means of data about how the space is being used and by whom.

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