

26 August 2019

The government of Tanzania is set to receive US
$180m loan from the African Development Bank (AfDB) for the construction of the Dodoma City Outer
Ring Roads. Doto James, the Permanent secretary of the ministry of Finance and
Planning said that the funds will go towards construction of a total of 110.2 km
of roads to ‘bitumen standard,’ as well as the development of social

“AfDB will make available to the government US
$138m through the AfDB window, and another US $42m through the African Growing
Together Fund which is a China Government Fund administered by the African
bank,” said Mr. Doto James.

The government will contribute US $35m billion from
its own funds, equivalent to 16% of the total amount for the project as part of
the agreement in conformity with AfDB requirements. The ring roads would
provide links with the 10,228-km ‘Cape-to-Cairo Road, also known as the ‘Great
North Road,’ and the ‘Pan-African Highway.’ This goes through eight countries
across the African continent, namely: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania,
Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt.

The proposed ring roads will also connect with the
Central Transport Corridor that connects Tanzania the neighbouring countries of
D-R Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda. According to Mr. Doto the Dodoma network
will also connect with all the roads to and from Arusha, Singida, Dar es Salaam
and Iringa.

The project includes the construction of a 110.02-km-long
dual carriageway ring road to bitumen standard connecting Nala with Veyula,
Ihumwa and Matumbulu. It will also bring development in the form of social
infrastructure such as community water supplies and strengthening health care
centres in the place, as well as the rehabilitation of feeder roads and pilot
road safety measures around the project road in Dodoma city.

Total cost of the project is US $216m “When the project construction is completed, efficient road transport will vastly improve access in and out of Dodoma City, as well as facilitate national and international trade flows. I wish to express our appreciation for the bank’s support in stepping up infrastructure development in order to realize our desire to become a trade and logistical hub for Eastern and Southern Africa,” said the Permanent secretary.

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