The organisers of the African Smart Cities Summit are pleased to welcome His Worship, Councillor Mzwandile Masina, Executive Mayor, Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Council as a speaker at the African Smart Cities Summit on Thursday 17 May 2018.
The African Smart Cities Summit takes place at the Gallagher Convention Centre from 16-17 May 2018 as part of The African Construction & Totally Concrete Expo organised by dmg events.
Councillor Masina will be sharing the City of Ekurhuleni’s vision, as laid out in the Ekurhuleni GDS 2055, of moving from a delivering city to a capable city and ultimately to a sustainable city. This vision is supported by five pillars:
- To re-urbanise in order to achieve sustainable urban integration
- To re-industrialise in order to drive economic growth and create jobs
- To re-generate and achieve environmental well being
- To re-mobilise and support social empowerment
- To re-govern in order to achieve effective co-operative governance.
These pillars will form the basis for social, economic and spatial transformation with a view to driving a sustainable, viable and vibrant region.
This vision, part of the ‘Smart City Visionaries’ discussions, will form part of a larger conversation around what makes a smart city in a South African context.
“Smart Cities offer us the opportunity to take the best of tomorrow’s technology and combine it with the strength of this country’s workforce, drive and determination, enabling us to delivery cities that are sustainable, liveable, and economically empowering for all South Africa’s citizens. We welcome the opportunity to hear about the City of Ekurhuleni’s vision to transform, and know that this presentation and discussion will form the basis for much needed debate going forward,” says Devi Paulsen, MD of Hypenica.
Attendees can expect 150 high-level public and private sector delegates, 50 key government stakeholders and 20+ key industry experts who will help define what a smart city is in the South African context. The aim of the event: Defining what a smart city means for South Africa and how we drive the agenda forward.