A group of 50 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) practitioners and supporting sector specialists from the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), provincial departments and local municipalities and agencies responsible for the implementation of government’s SEZ programme, will participate in a capacity building programme on SEZs, in Tianjin, China, from May 31 to June 7.
Deputy Trade and Industry Minister Bulelani Magwanishe, currently in China leading the SEZ investment roadshow, noted that the programme aimed to equip practitioners with the technical know-how on the planning, development, management and operation of SEZs.
The training covers a range of topics including planning, infrastructure development, developing investment propositions, marketing tools and channels, as well as how to deal with potential investors, stakeholder management, including international alliances, public–private partnerships models, financing and managing the operations of SEZs.
The programme was introduced to contribute to accelerating industrialisation as a necessary step towards addressing many of South Africa’s socioeconomic challenges such as unemployment, poverty and underdevelopment.
The objectives of the SEZ programme include promoting beneficiation and value-addition to the country’s minerals and other natural resources, as well as developing infrastructure required to support the development of the targeted industrial activities.
“The DTI has deemed it necessary to design and implement a capacity building programme on SEZs to create a pool of skilled and trained officials who will consequently make the implementation of the SEZ programme a success,” Magwanishe said.