
Dustless, thin-skin liner stabilises the Tweefontein highwall

14 March 2019

To provide effective stabilisation against geological disturbances, CHRYSO® TSL liquid polymer (LP) dustless, thin-skin liner has been applied over 1,400 m2 of highwall at the Tweefontein coal mine central pit near Ogies in Mpumalanga.

View of the highwall prior to work commencing

The main contractor on the job was the highly experienced Witbank-based
mining roof support contractor Martiq whose owner, Japie Kleinhans, has spent
over 20 years in this sector. The choice of CHRYSO® TSL LP, which is a two-part
product, was to ensure durability by blocking off the rock strata from
weathering and oxidation.

The two-part CHRYSO TSL system was specially modified and adapted by new business manager, Frans Bakselerowicz and chief chemist, Warren Delaney for the coal mines. Hours of testing and changing mix designs improved the adhesion, biaxial flexural and tensile strengths. The two-part and single part TSL are available in natural grey and a brilliant white.

The 23 metre high wall before it had been cleaned and the CHRYSO TSL liquid polymer (LP) dustless thin skin liner applied

In this application, the access from the top of the 23-m
highwall made the process easier, as the contractor needed to reach the top of
the wall area and five metres over the edge. The gravity feed of the 30-m pipe
also facilitated the successful spraying process. Five portal entrances giving
access into the mine were also treated with CHRYSO® TSL LP to stabilise the
coal substrate. 

With its extensive expertise in concrete, cement and additives, CHRYSO Southern Africa was able to assist the contractor with consulting services on the project, which was successfully completed in June 2018.

The top of the high wall cleaned, meshed and sealed. All cracks have been filled with CHRYSO TSL liquid polymer dustless thin skin liner and loose rock consolidated

The CHRYSO® TSL LP two-part package comprises fillers,
cement and additives, and polymer. The dry powders are premixed to make the
mixing process more convenient.

Sprayed onto the required surface at a thickness of between 5 mm and 10 mm, the product’s excellent flowability ensures deeper penetration into crevasses and cracks in the laminated sandstone and shale substrate. It also offers a cost saving and less rebound, as well as quicker application when compared to gunite or shotcrete equivalents. The application is less labour‑intensive, and is easy to mix.

A closer view of the CHRYSO TSL liquid polymer dustless thin skin liner coverage at 10 mm over diamond mesh

CHRYSO® TSL LP offers significant health and safety benefits to those working in the environment of the mine or tunnel as it is dustless, non-flammable and non-toxic. Its fast setting quality gives it early strength gains, whiles its high flexural strength properties provide a flexible barrier. The lining also displays good tensile strength when applied to a large portion of the substrate.

Spraying of the CHRYSO TSL liquid polymer thin skin liner completed on top and the vertical face to support faults, slips and all entrance roadway

In addition to providing soil stabilisation of tunnel works
and a reinforcement protection barrier against rock strain movements, CHRYSO®
TSL LP can be used as a permanent surface. It can also be used to stabilise
areas that are prone to soil movements, as a protection barrier against
weathering and soil erosion, and as a liner to prevent rock from oxidising.

More information from Frans Bakselerowicz on Tel:+27(0)11 395
6700 /

Cell:+27(0)62 620 1574 /

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